Saturday, July 31, 2010

Defcon 18 and Las Vegas

Today is all about DEFCON. I went to the Keynote, which was Max Kelly the former facebook CSO; Open Public Sensors and Trend Monitoring; FOE, the release of Feed over email (a tool to combat censorship); a Meet the Feds Panel; DCFluX In: Moon Bouncer; Psychosonic Attacks; and Getting Root. The Moon Bounce talk was really good. The Psychosonic one was just the right amount of crazy and Getting Root was *all* crazy.

Between talks I finished completes some scholarship documents and have an official offer letter now. Still have a few details up in the air though.

After the Defcon goodness we went to the Hilton Buffet. Its close by and has free beer and wine. Pretty good! Then we headed downtown, where I hadn’t been before. There the casinos are older and closer together. Everything is cheaper, too. We played $5 craps all night.

[Edit] Link to Las Vegas Photos:

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad they are re-opening the topic of moon bouncing. I think it was Pete who first mentioned it to me, and the idea fascinates me.

    Hope to see some more white papers on it now that they had a presentation at DEFCON.
