Friday, August 6, 2010

Great Sand Dunes National Park

This morning we packed up camp early to start the drive to Colorado. The few mosquitoes that were at the site yesterday (I wouldn’t have thought there would be any mosquitoes in the desert, but I also wouldn’t expect so much rain) appeared to have quadrupled overnight with the storm. That was pretty unpleasant. I think we drove practically right past Four Corners, but didn’t realize it until we were way past. We stopped for breakfast in a little town, something like Smiley Bakery. During the drive we crossed over the Rockies. The summit there was 10,800 feet.

In the early afternoon we reached our destination: Great Sand Dunes National Park. There the wind blows sand into these huge dunes. Seriously a lot of sand! We climbed to the top of the closest peak, which was 750 feet high in 45 minutes. It was pretty hard climbing that high in the sand, but really fun frolicking back down. The camp sites and cabins there were all full, so we went East a while before stopping in a little town off the highway. The hotels were all full here, too. Tourist season apparently, which is pretty weird if you could see where we are. We found a room eventually and got dinner at the Iron Horse. It was the perfect example of a nice restaurant in shitty town.

[Edit] Link to Road Trip Photos:

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